It has been four years since the dwarf king Magni Bronzebeard sought to protect his world and was cursed, frozen as a solid diamond statue at the center of Old Ironforge. When he emerges from his crystal slumber with a dire warning of dark times to come, will his daughter, Moira, be able to set aside the pain of her past and forgive Magni to help unite her people?
World of Warcraft – Legion 001 (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr
Written by: Matt Burns Art by: David Kegg
Deep within the night elven city of Suramar, home of the nightborne, the orc warlock Gul’dan issues a terrifying ultimatum: surrender the Nightwell, the source of their power, or see their homeland destroyed beneath the heel of the Burning Legion. As evil descends, the grand magistrix must decide whether to trust her enemy or risk all to stand strong.
World of Warcraft – Legion 002 (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr
Written by: Robert Brooks Art by: David Kegg
As the Burning Legion advances across the land, tauren chieftains gather for a momentous summit. An ancient artifact, the mystic Hammer of Khaz’goroth, may hold the power to protect their territory, but will its magic corrupt all who touch it?
World of Warcraft – Legion 003 (2016) (Digital) (Pirate-Empire).cbr
Written by: Robert Brooks Art by: Nesskain
What is the price of peace? Assassins circle as Anduin reads a letter from his father, King Varian, and ponders the responsibilities of leadership. The young prince must face his fears and decide if he can defend Azeroth and keep true to his beliefs.
World of Warcraft – Legion 004 (2016) (Digital HD) (Hourman-DCP).cbr